My Shadow By Dharma Eyer


“Shadow was integral to escape, but she also seemed like she wanted to escape more than just abuse. It seemed she was the darkness calling for my escape from life altogether. I needed to know that I could survive on my own, without my shadow, in order to quell the hurt, the rage, the pain that I endured every day.

The weight of what I was running from pulled me deeper and deeper into darkness. The weight of the despair seemed to slurp at my heels at every step that I took.

Right now, in this moment, I had to choose. Life or death… Her or me… Shadow or light? So, I lured her down an incredible corridor, promised her peace and revenge and whatever else I could think of that she would fall for. I shoved her tiny body into the room and locked the door with three locks and three chains. I have no intention in returning, more because I don’t think I will survive without her, but I must try.”

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