
The Vonu Bundle

Original price was: $95.94.Current price is: $77.77.

Get The Vonu Bundle and learn all about the liberating freedom strategy called vonu!


  1. Vonu: A Strategy for Self-Liberation by Shane Radliff
  2. Vonu: The Search for Personal Freedom by Rayo
  3. Vonu, Book 2: Letters From Rayo
  4. The Life of Tom Marshall by Jim Stumm
  5. VonuLife, March 1973
  6. A Vonu Guide to Firearms by Josiah Warren & Shane Radliff


Since humans have existed on this Earth, coercion has been used to control, manipulate, and exploit individuals. It is an unfortunate fact of history. The State uses it to keep their hapless citizenry in line and private criminals use it to violate the autonomy of their subjects for personal gain.

So, the problem self-liberators face is coercion; and the solution is vonu.

Vonu is an awkward contraction of the words “VOluntary Not vUlnerable,” and is premised around becoming as invulnerable to the coercion of the State and the servile society as humanly possible.

If you’re an individual looking for practical ways to increase your personal freedom, look no further.

And always remember, vonu is yours for the making.


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