Preference Ordering The Freedom Umbrella of Direct Action
By: Shane Radliff
July 19th, 2016
With the release of the The Freedom Umbrella of Direct Action’s third edition, it was decided that we concomitantly release our own individual judgments of what we thought was most efficacious, what was least plausible, and what encompassed shades of grey. We present, for your delectation, our preference ordering of the FUDA, according to what each of us subjectively valued. Consider preference ordering the FUDA’s third edition yourselves, and be sure to let us know what your preferences are, as well as any personal experience you have using any of these methods by contacting Shane.

Most Effective
- Political fieldtrips
- Cancelling voter registration
- Quitting government employment
- Homeschooling
- Vonu
- Security culture
- Simon Jestering
- Alternative media
- Strategic relocation
- “Voting with your wallet”
- Cryptography
- Affinity groups, especially freedom cells
- Ostracism
- Armed resistance
- Privatization of security
- Threat Management Center
- A Day in the Life of Yourself
- Trivium method
- Role-modeling the twin libertarian precepts
- Vacate the State
- Apprenticeship
- Debunking fallacies/myth busting
- Legal opportunism (legal interstices)
Mixed Efficacy
- Three Questions to Anarchy
- Against Me argument
- Withdrawal from public school attendance
- Selling government bonds
- Non-violent communication
- DeFOOing
- Financially independent early retirement
- Freelancing (contract/part-time work, reselling, indie game development, etc.)
- Permanent Portfolio (intensive saving)
- Passive income (“lifestyle business,” rental properties, house flipping, selling products/services online, etc.)
- Small business ownership (cooperatives, firearm instruction schools, etc.)
- Survivalism
- Off-grid homesteading
- Tax resistance
- Cryptocurrencies
- Freedom communities
- Civil defiance
- Agorism
- Counter-economics (raw milk, lemonade stands, cannabis, underground railroads, street racing, gambling, fight clubs, ghost gunning, urban exploration, guerrilla gardening, etc.)
- Committees of Safety
- Spirituality (meditation, yoga, visualization, lucid dreaming, digital drugs/binaural beats)
- Five Steps to Anarchy
- TOLFA (The Online Freedom Academy)
- Conscientious objection
- Un-schooling (self-directed education/learner-driven education)
- Extracurriculars (Boy Scouts, 4H, Habitat for Humanity, etc.)
- Free-range parenting
- Stoicism
- Journaling (daily and/or dream)
- Perpetual traveler
- Alternative housing (tiny home, travel-trailer homesteading, van-dwelling, fulltiming [RV’ing], urban/stealth camping, AirBnB, shared housing)
- Whistle-blowing (conferences, lectures, the Sam Adams award, grey hat hacker leaks of classified information)
- Ride-sharing (Uber, Sidecar, Lyft)
- Free software (free and open source computing, Linux distros, smartphone applications, etc.)
Least Effective
- Peaceful parenting
- Free love
- 3D printing
- Freedom conferences & festivals
- Hacktivism
- Private adjudication services
- Unbanking (closing your bank account)
- Expatriation
- Paper-tripping
- Free banking (precious metal stacking, LETSystem, nano-economy)
- Alternative energy (geothermal, electric car, hydro car, White-Juday warp-field interferometer, etc.)
- Souisveillance
- Satyagraha (420 celebrations, victimless crime spree)
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