LUA Radio 10.23: Oh, You Think Your Vote Matters in a Presidential Election? That’s cute.


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Tonight’s broadcast of Liberty Under Attack Radio is titled, “Oh, you think your vote matters in a Presidential election? That’s cute.”

Kyle Rearden, our creative consultant, joins us to offer his thoughts and conclusions on the subjects at hand. Namely, the fact that the President is not elected by popular vote (that is, the electorate); rather, the President is chosen by the electors. In other words, your vote especially doesn’t matter in Presidential elections, although that is the one that is the most heavily focused on.

We also tell you how government officials in the other two branches of government constitutionally gain their position, and why the implications of these facts are so significant.

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Show Notes:

Check out the video Kyle narrated and I produced on the subject titled, The American Political System Explained in 10 Minutes

Art. 2, Sec 1, Clauses 2-4 of the Constitution

12th Amendment

Texas Election Code 192.006

Illinois Compiled Statutes (10 ILCS 5):

The Communist State of Illinois: Voting Does Not Work an Analysis (Article by Shane)

Voting Does Not Work (Kyle’s article)

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