The alleged “unfairness” in capitalism touted by economically illiterate central planners (and their advocates), as well as the ever-increasing number of “equality freaks” has led to an unstable society and culture. There is much more that could be said on this subject, but I’ll defer to Matt Battaglioli’s book The Consequences of Equality (*affiliate link) for the sake of time.
Herein he covers the authoritarian nature of equality, the economic consequences, the political consequences, the ethical consequences, as well as the cultural consequences. It’s a short, concise overview that I highly recommend you pick up. To give you a little taste of what to expect, the (late) January Quote of the Month will be a selection from his book, which covers the inherent sexism in so-called “equal pay for equal work” legislation. Make sure to keep a lookout on January 15th, as we will be having Matt back on to discuss some of the aspects of his book. Find the show.
“Another similar, though not identical, example would be the feminist bill, “equal pay for equal work,” whereby the state mandates pay equality based on sex. In reality, all such a law would do is peg the wages of women to those of men. Hence, men would retain the freedom to negotiate their own wages, but women would not, making the equal pay bill arguably the most sexist piece of legislation to ever pervade the halls of Congress. In the case of a woman trying to get a job that she is perhaps not so experienced at yet, and therefore warrants a lower initial wage for, such a law would require that she be paid the same as a man working that same job, even if that man has been more experienced or has a more impressive resume. Since no employer would ever agree to pay a new, inexperienced employee equally to a more experienced, proven employee, the woman in that situation would undoubtedly be denied the job, and thus, denied the opportunity to gain experience to warrant a higher wage in the future.”
-Matt Battaglioli, The Consequences of Equality, p. 28
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