LUA Radio 8.30.15: Anarcho-Islam w/ Davi Barker

voluntary muslim

On tonight’s broadcast of Liberty Under Attack radio, we discuss my most recent Adventure In Illinois Higher Education and Stan’s newest article, “Treat Your Prepper Recruits Like Job Applicants.”

After the first break, we are joined by Davi Barker, the Muslim Agorist, to discuss anarchy, agorism, and anarcho-Islam. It was a great discussion and a lot of questions were surely answered. Whatever your position on Islam, I recommend you listen to this interview objectively and with an open-mind, and if you are interested in learning more, email [email protected] for a free PDF copy of his book, “Voluntary Islam.”

Check out Davi’s book, Voluntary Islam and Other Essays:

Check out Davi’s website:
Check out his referenced article titled, “The Problem with Liberty is Love”:

Check out my Adventures in Illinois Law anthology and audiobook:

Check out the website:

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