LUA Radio 12.13.2015: Last Broadcast of the Year w/ Kyle Rearden


On this final live broadcast for the calendar year, Liberty Under Attack Radio was joined by Kyle Rearden from The Last Bastille blog to discuss the process of writing case briefs and book reports, and examined the five best and worst books ever recommended to Kyle by the alternative media.

Here are the worst 5 books in the order they were discussed in the broadcast (5 being the worst):

  1. Nullification by Dr. Tom Woods
  2. House to House by David Bellavia
  3. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Catherine Iserbyt
  4. Title 4 Flag Says You’re Schwag! by J.M Sovereign Godsent
  5. The Web of Debt by Ellen Brown

Here are the top 5 books in the order they were discussed in the broadcast (5 being the best):

  1. The Anti-Federalist Papers
  2. Woe Unto You, Lawyers! by Fred Rodell
  3. Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard
  4. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein
  5. To Break a Tyrant’s Chains by Duncan Long

Make sure to tune-in next Sunday to hear my interview with James Corbett, from

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