LUA Giveaway: “Without A Ruler” Shirt
Liberty Under Attack is running another giveaway! I’m sure most of you have heard of the Without A Ruler merch page on Fascistbook, and I just so happen to have a large “Nobody for 2016” shirt that some lucky LUA listener/reader will get!
This shirt would cost you about $20 if you purchased it through them, and you definitely should support their operation. That said, here’s the deal: anyone who makes a donation of any amount, will be entered into a drawing to win this extremely badass shirt. If everyone that saw this post or listened to the show on June 26th just made a $1 donation, it would definitely assist us in covering our operating costs. Any new patrons on Patreon will be entered into the drawing, as well!

I know, helping out LUA is enough, but we love to return the favor (and, voluntarily!). This giveaway will run until our next show on July 7th, and then I will randomly select the winner. Help out LUA and spark interesting conversations in your local tax farm!
Thanks in advance for your support and laissez-faire.
I don’t know Shane, but looks like I have a good chance of winning this one. I am going to go ahead and share this post even though it is not to my advantage to get more people in the running. I would rather see your numbers go up than win that cool ass shirt. I am still trying to find where your e-mail address is. I have decided to try finding the “Direct Action Series” videos later probably when y’all finish the series.
You sure do. Hahaha. I appreciate you sharing it around. That said, if you go to, you can find all of our archives. The DAS started on January 3rd. And my email address is [email protected].
Thank you sir,