LUA RADio 7.10 DAS #25: Amanda Rachwitz & Freedom Cells

7.10 Amanda

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On this broadcast of Liberty Under Attack Radio, we hosted the 25th edition of the direct action series.

In the first hour, we were joined by Amanda Rachwitz, The Dragon Anarchist, to discuss a number of subjects. She began by explaining her path to anarchism, strategies in communicating this philosophy, whether that be online or in-person, and we ended with a thorough discussion on the immorality of government jobs held by anarchists—are there any exceptions?

In the second hour, we played the interview I conducted with Derrick Broze a couple of weeks ago on the subject of freedom cells, a way to organize communities. This was originally supposed to air then, but due to a sequence of technical difficulties, that didn’t happen.

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Show Notes:

Check out Amanda’s FB page

Check out the FUDA

Derrick’s Recommended Sites

Argumentation Ethics Anthology

Kyle’s Newest Anthology on Security Culture

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