by Liberty Under Attack | Jan 9, 2018 | Anarchy, Statism
9 Reasons People Fear Freedom (From “A Lodging of Wayfaring Men”) Editor’s Note: I’ve currently been in a mood where I’m reading as much crypto-agorist/anarchist fiction as I possibly can. The current read is an absolutely terrific book...
by Liberty Under Attack | Jan 8, 2018 | Anarchy, Encryption, Security Culture
The Fog of Cryptowar (4/4) Editor’s Note: This is page 4/4 of this extensive article. Click here to go back to the beginning. Regulation undermines innovation. Regulation in all areas creates a cost of compliance that redirects resources from developing what the...
by Liberty Under Attack | Jan 8, 2018 | Anarchy, Encryption, Security Culture
The Fog of Cryptowar (3/4) Editor’s Note: This is page 3/4 of this extensive article. Click here to go back to the beginning. Key Escrow Key escrow in the strict sense means that all keys (in this debate, confidentiality keys), must be shared with a trusted...
by Liberty Under Attack | Jan 8, 2018 | Anarchy, Encryption, Security Culture
The Fog of Cryptowar (2/4) Editor’s Note: This is page 2/4 of this extensive article. Click here to go back to the beginning. Motives for regulating cryptography. The quest to regulate cryptography has had several motivations during history. The earliest forms...
by Liberty Under Attack | Jan 8, 2018 | Anarchy, Encryption, Security Culture
The Fog of Cryptowar (1/4) Editor’s Note: After watching an interview with Smuggler, the author of the book, Second Realm: Book on Strategy, I heard of a clearnet website ran by him and other Second Realmers (?) called, Shadow Life. Immediately, the title of one...
by Liberty Under Attack | Jan 6, 2018 | Anarchy, Statism
The Righteous Persecution of Drug Consumers and Other Heretics Editor’s Note: The following is Chapter 12, “The Righteous Persecution of Drug Consumers and Other Heretics,” from George H. Smith’s book, “Atheism, Ayn Rand, and Other...