LUA Radio 9.8: “Microaggressions,” Economics, and George H. Smith


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In this broadcast of LUA Radio, we covered a variety of subjects.

In the first segment, we discussed the recent article by Reason Magazine where a couple of college residential advisors claimed that Harambe jokes were “microaggressions” and hate speech.

In the second segment, we did Fascistbook News and digressed into a more general discussion on the dangers of government intervention, we took a look at the financial markets, and more.

In the final two segments, we provide an overall analysis on George H. Smith’s book “Atheism, Ayn Rand, and Other Heresies,” and specifically examined the “other heresies,” as that section contained subjects highly relevant to anarchism.

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Reason Magazine Article discussed

Get Smith’s book, Atheism, Ayn Rand, and Other Heresies

August 2nd, 2015 broadcast on Homeschooling

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