Spoken Discourses – Kyle Rearden


Articles read by the authors for your convenience.

The following are spoken discourses of articles originally written by Kyle Rearden from The Last Bastille blog.

The Monforton Trilogy


1. 140805 – Partial Transcript of the Judge Monforton Confrontation

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

2. After-Action (Debrief) Report on the Judge Monforton Confronation

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

3. How to Question an Aspiring Politician

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

Kyle’s “Anti-Voting” Trilogy


1. Voting Does Not Work

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

2. Unregistering From the Voter Rolls

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

3. Some Thoughts on the Suffragettes and the Civil Rights Movement

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

Kyle’s Freeganism Trilogy


1. Keeping Up With the Joneses

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

2. How to Frugally Enjoy Your Liberty

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

3. A Primer on Freeganism

Download this spoken discourse. (MP3)

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