
In 1929, Ayn Rand pondered, “As to physics–learn why mind and reason are so decried as impotent when coping with the universe. Isn’t there some huge mistake there?”

There was definitely something wrong then and the situation hasn’t changed today–rather, it’s arguably gotten worse.

In this episode of Liberty Under Attack Radio, I am joined, once again, by Darrell Becker. As is typical when we have him on, we cover uncharted territory (at least in regards to this podcast). Specifically, this part one of two will be on The Philosophic Corruption of Physics; namely, the short history of how the [Immanuel] Kantian philosophy became adjoined to physics, beginning in the early 1900s.

This discussion will be centered around David Harriman’s lecture, The Philosophic Corruption of Reality, a five-part lecture he gave, which you can listen to for FREE here.

Specifically, we cover: the prevailing philosophical position in physics throughout the 20th century and today, the ramifications of such a position, why these seemingly smart physicists cling onto these fallacious ideas, the fairy tale of quantum mechanics, and much, much more.

In next week’s episode, this two-part series will conclude with a discussion on the Electric Universe theory. Stay tuned, check out the books below, and please let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Listen to Darrell and I’s two other episodes on the notion of Scientific Consensus:
1) September 9th, 2016: Scientific Consensus with Darrell Becker
2) October 27th, 2016: Scientific Consensus, Part 2, with Dr. Stephanie Murphy & Darrell Becker

Darrell’s Sites:
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