LUA Radio Special Edition: The “Sovereign Citizens” Are Douchebags

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Show Notes

Articles & Posts Referenced:

160507 – Screenshots of Facebook Thread (ZIP) | Original Facebook Thread

United States v. Marsh, 98 C.D.O.S. 3974 (1998)

Larry Myers: An Ignored Political Prisoner (Fleshes out US v. Marsh)

Chilling Dissent: How Government Demonizes Americans

The Origins of The Harney County Committee of Safety

Only On Paper: The Pathetic Story of Commerical Redemption, Freemen-on-the-Land, Sovereign Citizens, Lawful Rebellion, & Community Immunity

Disingenuous Activists! Why Leaderless Resistance is Preferable to Formal Organizations

Fake Judges: How & Why Sovereign Citizens are Undermining Patriot Groups

C4CF Political Prisoners Archive

Southern Poverty Law Center Exposed Page

Unjust Profiling Archive

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